Liturgical Worship: What to Expect

When you enter our service, you will notice our Pastor wears a robe, we chant some prayers, we sing old hymns, we read prayers, we stand, sit and kneel, and we make the sign of the cross. Our service may seem strange if you are new to Christianity or new to liturgical worship. That is ok! Our services are liturgical. This means that we follow the structure of worship which was formed by the early Christians and has been practised by most Christians throughout history.

What is the Structure of the Service?

Our service is divided into three sections: Confession and Forgiveness, The Service of the Word, and The Service of Holy Communion.

The Order of Confession and Forgiveness is focused on our sin and God’s forgiveness. First, we reflect on our sins, then the Pastor proclaims God’s promise of forgiveness to us.

The Service of the Word is focused on hearing the Bible read. We believe that the scriptures of the Old and New Testament are inspired by God and that he speaks to us through them. The Pastor will also give a sermon explaining one of the readings.

The Service of Holy Communion focuses on the gift of Jesus’ body and blood in bread and wine. We believe that Jesus' body and blood are truly present in the bread and wine. If you share this belief and are a baptized Christian, we invite you to join us. If you do not want to commune, you are invited to receive a blessing.

How to Participate?

Participate in as much as you feel comfortable with. The words and music of the liturgy will be displayed on screens and can also be read from our hymnals. Most of the service can be participated in by anyone, while partaking in Holy Communion is reserved for baptized Christians.

Holy Communion

We teach that that Jesus' body and blood, given and shed for the forgiveness of sin, are truly present in, with, and under the elements of bread and wine. All baptized Christians who share this belief are welcome to commune. Those not communing for whatever reason are welcome to come forward to receive a blessing.